Magnetic Rings
¥3,190 ¥2,900
¥2,970 ¥2,700
Kongou-Kan 4000-Gx
Super Strong Magnetic! Neodymium Magnet Penis Ring!! Each One Ball is Linked by Powerful Magnetism, So Size Adjustment is Freely Adjustable by Attaching and Detaching Balls! Wearing it before Sleeping or Before the Act Provides Powerful Support Item!
¥7,480 ¥6,800
Wave Turmeric
The powerful wave energy created by the synergistic effect! Ultimate Male Function Restoration Ring beyond magnetic rings. Extract, amplify, and transmit the energy that enhances erectile frequency and strength. Far-infrared effect warms cells from deep inside the body, promoting blood circulation and activating metabolism.
¥16,280 ¥14,800